John 15:11, “I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!”
As believers, we are promised the constant presence of the Holy Spirit. JOY.
We need to understand that joy is not the same as happiness. Happiness comes and goes. Joy stays with you forever because God’s joy cannot be taken away! Think of happiness as a "quick high" the enemy gives you and God gives you pure undefiled joy. Another thing is shopping, drugs, alcohol, smoking, unmarried sex, porn, gossip, all give you that "quick happiness high" that comes and goes.
We need to stop complaining and reducing ourselves and grab onto God’s joy. Just like salvation it is a free. Choose joy... not bitterness, anxiety, anger, being disappointed, and pain. We choose to do all of those things! It's your decision to choose how you want to feel. The fatal happiness or the overflowing of God's joy!”
As believers, we are promised the constant presence of the Holy Spirit. JOY.
We need to understand that joy is not the same as happiness. Happiness comes and goes. Joy stays with you forever because God’s joy cannot be taken away! Think of happiness as a "quick high" the enemy gives you and God gives you pure undefiled joy. Another thing is shopping, drugs, alcohol, smoking, unmarried sex, porn, gossip, all give you that "quick happiness high" that comes and goes.
We need to stop complaining and reducing ourselves and grab onto God’s joy. Just like salvation it is a free. Choose joy... not bitterness, anxiety, anger, being disappointed, and pain. We choose to do all of those things! It's your decision to choose how you want to feel. The fatal happiness or the overflowing of God's joy!”